Coronavirus: A Dangerous Geo-Political Blame Game Erupts
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And, right on cue, the finger pointing begins. US authorities are now firing an opening salvo at China, claiming that the county misinformed the rest of the world about the severity of covid-19. And that better information would have spurred other nations to take the threat more seriously. That would perhaps make sense if it weren’t such a crock of baloney. Anyone paying attention (like we here at could see sufficient signs by late January that the virus was extremely contagious, deadly, and had overwhelmed China’s attempts to contain it. And yet US, and CDC officials continued to downplay its risks into early March. And, c’mon. Who believes official Chinese reports about *anything*, let alone something as potentially disruptive as a brewing pandemic? After all, we’ve spent many trillions amassing the largest security state in world history — you’d think that investment might actually get us some accurate “intelligence”. I guess not. In today’s video, Chris explains why this blame game is both farcical and dangerous. Remember all those warm fuzzies we were sold throughout 2019 about the great benefits of the coming China Trade Deal? Kiss those good-bye. In a future that will surely put continued globalization into question, slinging blame, especially when there is so much culpability on our own end, will only increase the odds that China morphs from trading partner into global adversary. The stakes in this blame game are high, and we play it at our peril.