RED ALERT!! Exchange Stabilization Fund Runs OUT of Rigging Money!! (Bix Weir)
- The rumour circulating that: “The Govt of USA Corporation has declared bankruptcy on the 16 Feb 2020”, may be accurate. Apparently the Chinese, Russians … will not be accepting the US Dollar in trade any more. But will only accept hard asset like gold. The shutting down of the economy, trade collapse … due to the pandemic is providing cover for US bankruptcy. We will know how accurate this rumour is, as events evolve.
– - RoadtoRoota
Are you kidding?! The front page of the Wall Street Journal talks about the Exchange Stabilization Fund used to rig all markets…HAS RUN OUT OF MONEY?! What kind of Mixed-Up, Bizarro World are we living in?! All the Secrets are leaking Out!!! FREEDOM COMES SOON!!