Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
SPACE ROCKS Huge 2-Mile Asteroid Will Be Visible from Earth Next Month – And is Deemed ‘Potentially Hazardous’ by Harry Pettit, A GIGANTIC asteroid the size of a mountain will careen past Earth next month. Dubbed 1998 OR2, the space rock will be so big that amateur skygazers will be able to spot it …
“Dead Bat Bounce” Dies: Dow Futs Down Over 500 Pts, Treasury Yields Are Tumbling by Tyler Durden, Well that re-escalated quickly… A disappointing lack of detail -despite promises of unlimited spending – appears to have upset the market’s vibe from a day of panic-buying to very technical level of resistance. Dow futures are now …
US Now Openly Admits Its Goal in Syria is to Make It ‘Difficult’ for Moscow and Damascus to Defeat Terrorists by Nebojsa Malic, The State Department’s special envoy for Syria has just admitted that the US aims to defend jihadist militants in Idlib against ‘Russian aggression,’ proving once again that the swamp in Foggy …
Coronavirus Engulfs Europe: Angela Merkel Warns Up To 58 MILLION Germans – 60-70% of the Population – Will Be Infected, as Spain Sees Infections Triple in Two Days and Italy Records 168 Fatalities in ONE DAY by CHRIS DYER FOR MAILONLINE and REUTERS, * Infection is now transmitting between humans in nearly 30 countries across Europe, …
Leaked COVID-19 Documents: Hospitals Prep for 96 Million Infections & 480K Deaths by Mac Slavo, March 9th, 2020, Leaked medical conference documents have warned that hospitals across the United States are preparing for 96 million coronavirus infections. Not only that, but the same document wants hospitals to make preparations for 480,000 deaths from this …
Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Tom Horn reveals the Wormwood Prophecy! Will an asteroid strike the earth in 2029? – ▶▶The Wormwood Prophecy [Book & CDs]: ▶▶The Wormwood Prophecy [Digital Download]: – Did you know NASA predicts a major asteroid will soon enter the earth’s atmosphere? Tom Horn exposes the untold news of biblical …
Channel 4 News Giacomo Grasselli – a senior Italian government health official who is coordinating the network of intensive care units in Lombardy – explains the “critical” situation in Italy, brought about by the Covid-19 outbreak. end
RT America Larry talks with economist Michael Szanto and political panelists about how the coronavirus is disrupting the U.S. economy and impacting 2020 politics. end
Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plan to Keep Arabs Off Their Lands by Adam Raz, A document unsealed after 60 years reveals the Israeli government’s secret intentions behind the imposition of a military government on the country’s Arab citizens in 1948: not to enhance security but to ensure Jewish control of the land. – Israel’s …
ITM TRADING, INC. Links to slides and sources:… Question 1. Doug C: With Russia making a move to become the next world currency they certainly have the best ratio of currency to gold in the world. If this is the case and they do become the world currency, will the price of gold stay …
CNA Italian PM Giuseppe Conte on Monday (Mar 9) announced that the whole country will be placed on lockdown after the number of COVID-19 cases increased to more than 9,000. Public gatherings are banned and Serie A football matches are suspended. Correspondent Seema Gupta lays out the likely impact on locals and tourists. Read more: …
Arcadia Economics #DaveKranzler: US 10-Year #TreasuryYield Plunges to 0.3%! With the #stockmarket continuing to sell off, we’ve seen an historic rally in the #UStreasury market. Where #yields fell as low as 0.3% on Monday! Fortunately Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics joined me on the show to explain the move, and what to expect during …
Scientists Warn About Dangerous “Tipping Point” Where Covid-19 Goes From Mild To Deadly by Tyler Durden, As researchers, doctors and epidemiologists spend more time studying the coronavirus under a microscope, as well as in the 100k+ infections that have yielded reams of useful data, a troubling trend has emerged: researchers have identified a “tipping …
UPDATE: Latest Numbers from Italy Show 99% of Coronavirus Deaths are People 60 and Older! by Jim Hoft, It appears Coronavirus is Deadly Senior’s disease The Italian government released their latest numbers on the coronavirus update on Saturday. There were 1,247 new cases of the deadly disease reported in Italy on Saturday. The Italian …
It’s Crazy in the Treasury Market, But the Corporate Bond Market is Starting to Dial in the Coronavirus by Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET Someone got spooked. The US Treasury 10-year yield plunged in a magnificent manner to a new record low of 0.66% on Friday morning. When the yield of a bond drops, its price rises, …
RT America “Eat the Press” host Steve Malzberg joins News.Views.Hughes to discuss mainstream media’s Trump-centric coronavirus and television personality Bill Maher’s cheeky defense of former “Hardball” host MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. end
RT Decline in demand for oil due to the coronavirus epidemic, further reinforced by the demise of the OPEC+ production cuts agreement, has crashed the US and world markets, sending traders into a panic-selling mode. The ongoing market turmoil will certainly hit the oil industry heavily, but the impact is likely to reach far beyond …