Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Bloodbath on World Markets: Oil Prices See the Biggest Plunge Since the Gulf War in 1991 as Dow Set to Open 1,000 Points Lower While Coronavirus Panic Wipes £130Billion Off London Markets with FTSE 100 Falling 8.5 Per Cent by MARLENE LENTHANG FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, * Global oil markets plunged on Sunday amid an oil …
NYFed Massively Ramps Up Repo Facility Liquidty Bailout by Tyler Durden, With the market now screaming for more emergency rate-cuts, The Fed has begun its bailout from we think is the longest limit-down in S&P futures ever… – The NY Fed has massively increased its overnight and term repo liquidity bailout facilities… Full Statement …
Panic Purgatory: Oil Crashes To $27; S&P Futures Locked Limit Down, Treasuries Soar Limit Up Amid Historic Liquidation by Tyler Durden, The Sunday futures fiasco started off on the back foot, with virtually every risk asset that is not nailed down puking with a force unseen since the financial crisis. It has only gotten …
RoadtoRoota Blame anything you want but currently the DOW Futures are down a massive 1,100 points and unless Mnuchin and Powell unleash the MONEY FIRE HOSES we are going to have some very, very distressed Bankers!! end
Shocking New Study Concludes That “Best Case Scenario” For A Covid-19 Pandemic Is 15 Million Dead by Michael Snyder, Over the past week, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside of China more than tripled once again. Hopefully it is extremely unlikely that such a rapid growth rate will continue, because if it …
Asia Plunges, European & US Futures Collapse as Panicked Investors Seek Safe Haven from Perfect Storm Ravaging Markets by Asian markets are trading deep in the red while European and American futures entered a free fall, and gold reached a new 7-year peak, amid a dramatic oil market crash and concerns over the coronavirus-hit …
CoVid19 Coronavirus Was Produced in a Laboratory: Former CIA Intel Officer by A former American counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the CIA has said that the “Coronavirus did not occur naturally through mutation but rather was produced in a laboratory, possibly as a biological warfare agent.” – Since the novel coronavirus outbreak …
‘Damning Evidence’ of War Crimes in Gaza: Israeli Soldiers Compete to Break Legs of Palestinian Protesters by Palestine Chronicle Staff, A report published in the Israeli daily newspaper, Haaretz on Friday revealed harrowing details of the military protocol followed by Israeli army snipers who have killed over 300 Palestinian protesters and wounded thousands more at …
The Grayzone Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Professor Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran about the war in Syria. Marandi recently returned from Syria, where he had the chance to travel the Damascus-Aleppo Highway and other territories newly liberated by the Syrian army. Anya also asks Marandi about the spread of coronavirus …
The Illuminst psyop continues. Never A Straight Answer knows about what appears to be ancient artificial structures, signs of civilization, ancient ruins …. on Mars. These are evidence of the Nephilim (hybrid children of Fallen Angels and woman) civilization which thrived during the Days of Noah (Genesis 6). During the Days of Noah, the earth …
CGTN China’s leading expert on COVID-19 says the origin of the coronavirus should be traced. While the first infections were reported in China, Zhong Nanshan says given the outbreaks elsewhere, the virus may not have originated in the country. He also says that it is predicted the peak would arrive by mid or late February. …
RT America A University of Tokyo professor has released a paper suggesting life may exist in the universe beyond the Milky Way galaxy. Former ISS commander and NASA astronaut Dr Leroy Chiao dives into the possibilities. – The Illuminst psyop continues. Never A Straight Answer knows about what appears to be ancient artificial structures, signs …
Reluctant Preppers Bill Murphy, co-founder of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee ( returns to Liberty & Finance / Reluctant Preppers to declare that in his analysis THE END GAME IS HERE, spelling the bust of the gold cartel and the resurgence of precious metals as the true sound money safe haven in the face of …
Corbett Report Extras SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick’s documentary, which lays out …
Peak Prosperity For those asking how best to SUPPORT Chris & Peak Prosperity in their efforts to provide continuing coverage of news that matters: – While China appears to be succeeding in dramatically slowing the spread of the coronavirus within it borders, covid-19 continues to explode elsewhere in the world. In the US, people …
RonPaulLibertyReport Close observers of the un-constitutional and immoral Federal Reserve realize that there is trouble in the central planners paradise. As happens with all attempts at trying to micromanage the world, the point is finally reached where the micromanagers are completely overwhelmed by problems of their own making. When the final story of The Fed …
ITM TRADING, INC. March 3, 2020 George is an American real estate investor, entrepreneur and “Macro-addict”. He has started, owned, and operated multiple businesses ranging from conventions to advertising. The last growing to 24 million in annual revenues and over 100 employees. After 12 years as a successful entrepreneur, at the age of 38, George …
Steve Quayle: We Are Living in Biblical Times — We Are Entering Into Tribulation Times by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Filmmaker, book author and renowned radio host Steve Quayle says all the bizarre and violent global headlines are telling him we are living in Biblical times. Earthquakes, famine, war, persecution and plagues were all …
Market Massacre: Oil Crashes 30%, Dow Down 1,000, VIX Explodes As Spoos Crater by Tyler Durden, Following what may have been the most drama-filled weekend since “Lehman Sunday”, in which we saw not only another major spike in covid cases around Europe and the US, but also the total collapse of OPEC after Saudi …