Trump’s Peace Deal Could Be a Green Light for Israel’s Annexation Plan

- Trump’s Peace Deal Could Be a Green Light for Israel’s Annexation Plan
by Amos Harel,
‘Deal of the Century’ is the key ■ Israeli president calls to leave history to the historians – shame Israel is not heeding his call
U.S. President Donald Trump plans to publish his peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians by Tuesday and invite Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz to the White House. We may now, with hindsight, decode some of what transpired in the past week.
It seems the prime minister and his Kahol Lavan rival both knew what Washington was cooking up. In Netanyahu’s case, this would be no surprise, given his close bond with Trump. But it’s clear Gantz was in the loop as well.
This explains Netanyahu’s bid to outflank Gantz by again raising the proposal to annex the Jordan Valley. Kahol Lavan had to respond, but it seemed forced and awkward – Gantz’s party was ready for annexation if it was coordinated with the international community.
On Wednesday Barak Ravid reported on Channel 13 of the White House’s objection to unilateral steps by Israel in the Jordan Valley. Yesterday, Amit Segal’s report on Channel 12 showed why. The American administration wants to dictate the rules of the game. That means Netanyahu won’t bring up, as some Likud MKs believe, the annexation bill for a first vote in the Knesset next week. But the moment the president publishes his plan, things could change.
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