BIS, IMF, IIF & World Bank All Issue Dire Warnings In The Last 6 Weeks About Credit Growth & Debt
- WallStForMainSt
In the last 6 weeks there’s been an unprecedented amount of warnings from the IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements (BIS), International Institute of Finance (IIF) as well as central banks like the Bank of Japan, European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve Bank in their financial stability reports.
With Davos here I wonder how much this will be discussed by the economic and political elites this week? And in spite of these dire warnings, the US stock market indexes like the DOW Jones Industrial Index, The S&P 500 Index and the NASDAQ Composite Index continue to rise to record levels and become more and more divorced from reality on a daily basis. Is this melt up the “Crack Up Boom” that Ludwig Von Mises wrote about?
Jason also talks about Richard Duncan’s views. Duncan talks about how capitalism (savings to fuel growth) ended a long time ago and that the current Dollar Standard system post Bretton Woods and Nixon closing the gold window in 1971 is more accurately labeled as “creditism.” While Rich Duncan may have identified the current system and some of the problems, his “solution” is for central bankers and governments to create hundreds of trillions more and spend it better on new industries to try and avoid WWIII.
Listen to an interview where Richard Duncan discusses in great detail what he calls “Creditism 101”…
Article Links With Recent Warnings From IMF, BIS, WOrld Bank, IIF, etc:
1) IMF Chief Warns Global Economy Faces New “Great Depression”…
2) Global debt-to-GDP ratio has now hit an all-time high of 322%…
3) World Bank Warns “Wave Of Debt” Could Unleash Historic Crisis, Crush The Global Economy…
4) World Bank warns of global debt crisis following the fastest increase in borrowing since the 1970s…
5) U.S. banks’ reluctance to lend cash may have caused repo shock: BIS…
6) Repo Blowup Was Fueled by Big Banks and Hedge Funds, BIS Says…