Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
A Major Bank Admits QE4 Has Started, And That Stocks Are Rising Because Of The Fed’s Soaring Balance Sheet by Tyler Durden, There was a period of about two months when some of the more confused, Fed sycophantic elements, would parrot everything Powell would say regarding the recently launched $60 billion in monthly purchases …
US Airstrikes Are a Violation of Sovereignty, Will Have ‘Grave Consequences’ – Iraqi Prime Minister by Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has condemned US airstrikes on what he claims were “Iraqi armed forces,” saying that such attacks will have “grave consequences.” – On Sunday, US F-15 fighter jets struck three Kataib Hezbollah targets …
If the gold price is allowed to surge spectacularly, the banks manipulating the gold price will go bankrupt over night. The only way for them to get out of their losing positions is for the US government to revalue the price of gold overnight. They, can then declare force majeur. – RT America Global gold …
The plan is to use Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, to attack Iran. America will have its hands full engaging Russia and China. – RT America US jets bombed five sites across Iraq and Syria on Sunday, targeting the Iranian-backed militia Kataib Hezbollah, officially in response to the killing of a US civilian contractor …
None of these countries attacked America. Nor are they a threat to America. So why is America waging war against them? – RT America The US has bombed three countries in the past 24 hours. Why? RT America correspondent Rachel Blevins reports. end
RT It’s been a turbulent year for Iran and that area as a whole, marked by tough sanctions and the seizure of tankers. end
Rethinking the Dollar Thanks for watch this RTD Quick Take. Share your thoughts below and make sure to subscribe for more news related videos like this one. Here is the article mentioned in this video:… end
Netanyahu Announces Six-Point Plan to Annex Palestinian Land, Defeat Iran by Following his triumph in the Likud party’s primary elections on December 26, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu introduced a political plan aimed at securing US recognition of Israel’s annexation of West Bank settlements and rolling back Iran’s influence in the region. – Netanyahu’s …
Taking The Hard Way Out: Gold & The “Big Bomb Of Debt Monetization” by David Hay Evergreen Gavekal blog, via … SUMMARY Interest rates and inflation couldn’t be more different today than they were in the 1970s. One of the shocking surprises of the last decade is that despite ultra-low, zero, or, even, negative interest …
Watch video here also! US Invents Enemies to Continue Waging Wars on Other Countries: Analyst by The United States “needs to invent enemies to continue waging” wars on other countries, political analyst Stephen Lendman says. – Lendman made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday when asked about US President Donald …
‘Pack of Lies’ on Behalf of Al-Qaeda: Security Experts Rip into ‘Douma Chemical Attack’ Probe After Latest OPCW Leak by Documents published by WikiLeaks that suggest a cover-up of inconvenient facts about the Douma, Syria chemical attack investigation raise serious questions about the OPCW, security experts, scholars and diplomats tell RT. – The US, …
Rachel Maddow Called Out By WaPo Columnist For Shamelessly Peddling Fake News by Tyler Durden, Conspiracy theorist and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has been called out by Washington Post columnist Erik Wemple for breathlessly peddling the Steele Dossier – becoming a “clearinghouse” for the largely debunked opposition research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC …
Netanyahu Says Arab States to Normalize Ties with Israel Soon by Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will soon have normal ties and formal peace agreements with a number of Arab countries. – “I intend in the coming years to conclude normalization and peace agreements with a number of Arab countries,” he said Sunday …
The Top 10 Biggest CANCER CURES of 2019 that the Medical Establishment is Trying to Cover Up by Tracey Watson, (Natural News) The resounding message from the conventional healthcare community has always been that cancer cannot be cured, and that a toxic regimen of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is the only hope a cancer …
X22Report Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 12.30.2019 Under the [CB] system the average loses his/her ability to get ahead, the system was designed this way, the system keeps the majority of people struggling. As the system breaks down more and more people have a tough time affording homes, cars, …
RoadtoRoota Artificial market rigging REQUIRES continued manipulation to stay afloat or keep alternative suppressed. The Fed WANTS to end the rigging but they DON’T want anyone to profit off the pain and suffering the End Game would cause. So they are STUCK! end
ITM TRADING, INC. Slides and Links:… Links to articles: Nasdaq Takes the Long Way to 9000,… No Fix for Money Markets,… US Government Sets a Record for Debt Auctions,… Congress Approves Sweeping Overhaul of Retirement System,… China’s Blueprint for a Digital Totalitarian State,… – The Damage is Done. Remember …
Silver Report Uncut Economic News December 29, 2019. Today we are focusing on the retail apocalypse that has been taking place over the past few years and we only focused on some of the most notable retailers there was actually a lot more than the store closures detailed here. This list is in alphabetical order …
Petrodollar Shock: Russia Could Invest Part Of Its National Wealth Fund In Gold by Tyler Durden, In the past two years Russia has been quite explicit in its shifting preference between fiat, in the form of the world’s reserve currency, US Dollars and hard assets, i.e., gold: after liquidating almost all of its Treasury …
RT WikiLeaks has released a fourth batch of documents from the OPCD that cast further doubt on its report on allegations of a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma last year. They reveal the OPCW chose to ignore evidence that contradicts its conclusion that the attack came from the air. READ MORE: …
How Today’s Central Bankers Threaten Civilization by Claudio Grass, When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates and negative yielding bonds, I thought it was a chance to look at the topic from a broader perspective. There have been lots of articles speculating about the possible implications and …
12 Times Pope Francis Has Openly Promoted a One World Religion Or a New World Order by Michael Snyder | End Of The American Dream August 1, 2016 – via It has become exceedingly clear that his agenda includes moving humanity toward a one world religion and a new world order – On Sunday, Pope Francis …
Mars 2020 Rover to Seek Ancient Life, Prepare Human Missions by AFP, PASADENA (United States): The Mars 2020 rover, which sets off for the Red Planet next year, will not only search for traces of ancient life, but pave the way for future human missions, NASA scientists said Friday (Dec 27) as they unveiled …
RoadtoRoota Who says “Crime Doesn’t Pay?” Since 2010 JP Morgan, headed by Jamie Dimon, has committed 135 serious criminal offenses and has paid $34.5B in fines and yet they STILL rig markets, they STILL have a banking license and they STILL are out to Destroy Capitalism…along with the United States of America! end