E. Michael Jones: The Deception Facing the Church by Christian Zionism
- Zionism, the modern Zionist movement, is Satanic. At the heart of the Zionist flag is the Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram. It does not get clearer than this.
– - TruNews
E. Michael Jones: The Deception Facing the Church by Christian Zionism Today on TruNews, Dr. E. Michael Jones joins us to talk about the influence of modern Christian Zionism upon the American Church, and how that has led to a dramatic radicalization of US foreign policy in favor of one nation, Israel. Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, E. Michael Jones. Airdate 10/15/19
9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
