Embassy insider exposes CNN lies about Julian Assange
- The Grayzone
Pushback with Aaron Maté ||| A “bombshell” CNN report claimed to show how Wikileaks founder Julian Assange published stolen Democratic Party emails in 2016 in cooperation with the Russian government from his place of refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy. Ecuadorian diplomat Fidel Narváez — who served in the embassy throughout Assange’s stay — says that CNN’s report was error-ridden and defamatory. “There are so many smears, speculations, and some false information in that report that somewhat somebody needs to set the record straight,” Narváez says. “It is unbelievable how they twist every single thing in order to to defame Julian and Ecuador.” Guest: Fidel Narváez, former Ecuadorian diplomat who served in Ecuador’s London embassy for six of the seven years that Julian Assange lived there under asylum.
Read Fidel Narváez’s article at The Grayzone, “40 rebuttals to the media’s smears of Julian Assange – by someone who was actually there”:
Read CNN’s report: “Exclusive: Security reports reveal how Assange turned an embassy into a command post for election meddling,” https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/15/politi…