A Great Example of the Disgusting and Relentless Lying About Russia in the NYTimes – The Bogus CNN ‘Kremlin Spy’ Story
- A Great Example of the Disgusting and Relentless Lying About Russia in the NYTimes – The Bogus CNN ‘Kremlin Spy’ Story
by https://russia-insider.com/en
Editor’s Note: This is classic NYTimes fake news, operation Mockingbird bull-ticky. From yesterday’s Times, their article states as fact something that supposedly was told to CNN by some mysterious unnamed ‘officials’, quotes James Clapper, of all people, as a reliable source, and well, if CNN says so, it must be true. This is such lousy journalism that even the disgraceful incompetence and gullibility of the NY Times staff doesn’t begin to explain it. The only explanation is that this is planted info, part of a timed release to the US media, together with the original story from CNN. We would say: ‘Shame on you NT Times!’, but we learned long ago that you are completely and utterly shameless.
Here is the entire article from the Times. It was by far the most widely read article of the day yesterday. And there is every reason to believe it is a bunch of made-up B.S.
read more.
