Netanyahu Is Leading Trump Into Disaster With Iran
- Netanyahu Is Leading Trump Into Disaster With Iran
by Eric H. Yoffie,
Netanyahu pushed Trump to leave the nuclear deal, helped by his enthralled evangelical base. But as Iran announces yet more nuclear enrichment, it’s clear the results have been catastrophic, not least for Israel.
With elections coming in Israel, I have a suggestion for Israel’s voters: When deciding whether or not to vote for Benjamin Netanyahu, decide on the basis of how he’s done on Iran.
This seems fair to me. After all, for the last ten years, Bibi has made Iran and her threat to build a nuclear weapon the central focus of his premiership. In countless speeches, in Israel and around the world, he has proclaimed that Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb is an existential threat to the Jewish state and a blow to the vital interests of civilized countries everywhere.
He has asserted that he, personally, will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. And he has made the Iran question the dominant theme of his relations with the United States. All this being so, it is surely reasonable to make the Iran question the litmus test for determining whether Bibi deserves the support of Israel’s citizens. And it seems reasonable as well to ask: How are things going right now on the Iran front?
And the answer is: Not well at all.
On Monday last week, the official Iranian news agency announced that the country had exceeded the limits for enriched uranium set by the 2015 international nuclear deal. This Sunday, Iran announced it was raising its level of enriched uranium, breaking another limit of the nuclear deal.
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