Trump Warns Iran of “Obliteration” Should “Any Attack on Anything American” Occur
- The conflict seeking Alpha male has met his match in Iran. Trump’s brinkmanship sabre rattling will cause him to fall into the Neocon Zionist false flag war trap. You are looking for conflict? You will get it. But the result may not be what you expect or desire. Be careful of what you wish for.
– - US aircraft carrier versus Iran Sunburn missile? No contest: Iran wins! See:
Iran’s Arsenal Of Sunburn Missiles Is More Than Enough To Close The Strait
Forget the Second Carrier, It’s Time to Rethink the Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf
… The most lethal of Iran’s anti-ship weaponry, the Russian-made Sunburn missiles, fly at three times the speed of sound and can cruise as low as twenty meters from the ground, performing evasive maneuvers to effectively engage its target. In the Strait of Hormuz, only 21 miles wide at its narrowest point, the Sunburn could reach any ship in minutes. Conducting counterforce strikes against these missile launchers, most of which are mobile, would be difficult and lengthy as Iran is advantaged by a mountainous shore facing the Gulf. The terrain provides easy cover and concealment of cruise-missile launching sites and ideal vantage points for targeting enemy ships.
– - The Duran Published on Jun 26, 2019
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 217. RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss US President Trump’s latest series of tweets that slam Iran as “ignorant” and “insulting”. In an about face from last week’s restraint to go to war with Iran, Trump’s recent tweets warn of total and complete “obliteration” should any further attacks on American assets occur.
