NASA Astrobiologist Claims HIDDEN Life on MARS Exists

- NASA Astrobiologist Claims HIDDEN Life on MARS Exists
Humans have been searching for signs of alien life throughout the universe, including on the Red Planet. Some astrobiologists theorise that ancient Mars presented an even more suitable environment for life than the younger version of the Earth.
Assuming the Red Planet was once a habitat where life was able to thrive, this means it still has life, even if it is hiding somewhere underneath the planet’s surface, claims Michael Finney, co-founder of The Genome Partnership, a nonprofit organization that runs the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology conferences.
“If there were life on Mars, it may have moved around, it may have gone into hiding a bit, but it is probably still there,” claims the scientist.
Barren as it is today, four billion years ago, the Martian surface was a wetter world, abundant with rivers, lakes and vast oceans. However, Mars lost its habitability together with the loss of its global magnetic field, thus making way for harmful charged particles from the Sun to remove Mars’ atmosphere. The process that transformed Mars into the dry and cool planet it is now was observed and registered by NASA’s MAVEN orbiter.
Even though there is no running water on its surface, water could actually exist in the underground subsoil, with the possibility of a vast lake underneath the planet’s South Pole, according to collected data.
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