Rachel Maddow’s Tin-Foil Hysteria Laid Bare In Devastating Twitter Takedown
- Rachel Maddow’s Tin-Foil Hysteria Laid Bare In Devastating Twitter Takedown
by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/
While the MSM peddled tin-foil Trump-Russia collusion conspiracies for more than two years, one pundit in particular stands head-and-shoulders above the rest; MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.
Night after night Maddow told lie after lie – promising her viewers Trump was finally, actually, definitely finished for one reason or another. Maddow’s propaganda rants are too numerous to count – however The Nation‘s Aaron Maté is currently in the middle of a devastating Twitter takedown highlighting some of the MSNBC anchor’s most pathetic attempts to delegitimize the sitting president of the United States – after Maddow tweeted a Washington Post article about YouTube recommending an RT interview with Maté.
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