Next Stop On The War Train – Iran, Venezuela Or North Korea?
- Next Stop On The War Train – Iran, Venezuela Or North Korea?
by Brandon Smith,
If you learn one rule about how governments function today, it should be that political leaders are usually puppets and the real decision makers are almost never out in the open. The questions is, how does one know for certain that this is the case with a specific leader? His rhetoric might be compelling, he probably knows every buzzword to spark your interest, and he might even throw you some legislative scraps from the political table every once in a while to make you think that he’s going to follow through on his campaign promises, but does he actually believe in the principles he originally championed?
The litmus test for any US president is to examine the type of people he invites into his house. Who does he surround himself with? The cabinet is the president’s constant companion and decision making team. The cabinet is looking over his shoulder and influencing everything he does. If you want to find who is pulling the strings of a president, this is a good place to start.
Once you identify the major players in the cabinet, it’s important to discern what they want. What goals are they trying to squeeze out of a first or second term in the White House? What is the geopolitical or social trend they are creating through their influence? This should not be hard to read…
The problem with our current president, Donald Trump, is not that he is very different from previous presidents, but that he is very similar to them in many ways. While conservatives that voted for Trump did so most of all in the hopes that he would follow through on his promise to “drain the swamp”, he has instead been actively filling the swamp with ever more slimy and parasitic creatures. Whenever one leaves the cabinet, they are replaced with another equally ghoulish character from a roster of banking elites, think tank sociopaths and globalists.
The Mueller Report has been a highly effective distraction for both leftists and conservatives when it comes to the true loyalties of Trump. So many Americans have been obsessed with the notion of whether or not the president is controlled by a foreign power they forgot to look for the real influencers right under the roof of the White House.
The notion that Trump could still function as some kind of freedom fighter while playing 10-dimensional chess with the elitists sitting comfortably within his own decision making team is an incredibly absurd fantasy, but some people in the liberty movement still cling to this idea. Cognitive dissonance strikes when reality conflicts with what we want to see in the world, and we choose our ideal version of events over that reality.
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