US Envoy Says Palestine-Israel Peace Plan Does Not Include Confederation with Jordan

- Trump’s Deal of the Century is NOT a peace treaty. It is the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. There will NOT be a Palestinian state. Implied in the public statements are the US tacit agreement to the annexation of the West Bank. The unspoken REAL plan is to force the Palestinians (REAL Jews) into the Sinai desert. Thus, fulfilling Revelation 12:6,13-14. Of course, they will deny it and say it is fake news.
– - US Envoy Says Palestine-Israel Peace Plan Does Not Include Confederation with Jordan
by MEE and agencies,
US officials battle rumours as Trump administration’s long-awaited ‘Deal of the Century’ now slated to be released mid-June
The United States Middle East envoy on Wednesday shut down rumours that the Trump administration’s yet-to-be-announced peace plan between Israel and Palestine would include a confederation including Jordan.
Jason Greenblatt, in a Twitter post, also said that the long-anticipated plan, dubbed the “Deal of the Century”, does not envisage creating a Jordanian homeland for the Palestinian people.
“Rumors that our peace vision includes a confederation between Jordan, Israel & the PA, or that the vision contemplates making Jordan the homeland for Palestinians, are incorrect,” Greenblatt wrote. “Please don’t spread rumors.”
On Friday, Greenblatt made a similar announcement on Twitter, assuring followers that the US does not have plans to take part of Egypt’s Sinai desert for the creation of a Palestinian state.
“Hearing reports our plan includes the concept that we will give a portion of Sinai (which is Egypt’s) to Gaza. False! Please don’t believe everything you read. Surprising & sad to see how people who don’t know what’s in the plan make up & spread fake stories,” Greenblatt tweeted.
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