The Cloud Wants Access to Your Brain: Man-Computer Interface
- RT America Published on Apr 16, 2019
A team of researchers at the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing in California claims that the merging of the human brain with the internet, what they call “brain/cloud interface,” could be possible in a few decades. They believe that advances in nanorobotics will underpin this epochal breakthrough. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports for News.Views.Hughes.
- I have warned repeatedly about the mind control aspect of RFID microchipping. When a person is microchipped, the technology already exists in Black projects, to control/influence the mind of the person. He/She will no longer have freedom of thought or free will to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Savior! You find what I say hard to accept? Listen to what David Icke says:
“What he (Black project scientist) told me was: Tell people, if they say NO to one thing say NO to the (RFID) microchip! … It is not (just electronic tagging ie. identification)! The main thrust, the main reason for (RFID) microchipping is not the message that is going from the chip to the computer. It is the message that is coming the other way! And he said that through this process … they can manipulate them (microchipped persons) mentally, emotionally and physically from a distance through the chip. That’s the idea!” – David Icke from 1hr 30.40 onwards
