Why Did King Abdullah Issue Warnings over Jerusalem’s Holy Sites? The Imminent Building of the 3rd Temple
- The plan by the Trump administration is to transfer control of the temple mount from Jordan (King Abdullah) to Saudi Arabia. There is an agreement, from what I hear, to build the 3rd temple ie. the parties involved Saudi Sunni Arab world, Zionist Israel and Trump administration … have come to an agreement. The transfer of control of the temple mount to the Saudis will facilitate the construction of the 3rd temple. Once, the Palestinians(REAL Jews) are expel via war/force into the Sinai desert, there will not be a lot of people to protest/hinder the building of the 3rd temple. The Saudis will exert tight control and prevent opposition to the 3rd temple. The rumour is: construction starts 2019/2020, I am not able to confirm this.
– - Dr. Tom Horn: Is The Building Of The Third Temple Imminent?
“‘Saudi Arabia is currently investing a great deal of behind-the-scenes effort into taking away from Jordan its guardianship of the holy sites of Jerusalem,’ a senior official in the Palestinian Authority (PA) told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. The pressure seems linked to the Saudis’ friendly relations with the United States, and with President Donald Trump’s desire to win Arab support for his Middle East peace plan, which Jordan has not backed.”[i]
Regardless, I am told and do believe that placing management of the Temple Mount into the hands of Saudis and progressive or “secular” Muslims and the US administration would be, by design, intentionally inching the world toward one aspect of Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” for Middle East peace (though the Third Temple negotiation could be part of a separate later agreement) that cannot yet be uttered involving compromises that could ultimately allow for construction of the Third Temple.
More recently Israeli activists began what could be viewed as a “step one” toward building the Third Temple by calling on the Israeli government “to establish a synagogue on the Temple Mount and open it for Jewish prayer.” [vi]
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Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism is Zionist. There’s no way Muslim scholars who have denounced Wahhabism and declared it “NOT ISLAMIC”. Also in their Prophecies it is said that Saudi Arabia is the “HORN OF SATAN”. I pray too our Lord that US and Israel don’t follow through and destroy the Aqsa Mosque. Their Prophet prayed there, so they’d be a blood bath from almost two billion Muslims.