TRUMP RAGES: People Have Done ‘Evil Things, Very Bad Things … Treasonous Things Against Our Country’

- TRUMP RAGES: People Have Done ‘Evil Things, Very Bad Things … Treasonous Things Against Our Country’
by Joseph Curl,
It didn’t take long for President Trump to open up about his true feelings over the two-year-long probe into whether he or members of his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.
In a brief pool spray in the Oval Office on Monday, Trump was asked by Jonathan Karl of ABC News: “Mr. President, did this not turn out to be a witch hunt after all?” Trump launched into a brutal indictment of those who had investigated him and his team.
“It lasted a long time. We’re glad it’s over. It’s 100% the way it should have been. I wish it could have gone a lot sooner, a lot quicker. There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things. I would say treasonous things against our country and hopefully that people that have done such harm to our country, we’ve gone through a period of really bad things happening,” the president said.
Trump added that if he has his way, those who investigated him will themselves be investigated. “Those people will certainly be looked at. I’ve been looking at them for a long time and I’m saying why haven’t they been looked at? They lied to Congress. Many of them, you know who they are, they’ve done so many evil things,” he said. Trump also said he wants to make sure that what he’s endured never happens to another president.
“I will tell you, I love this country. I love this country as much as I can love anything. My family, my country, my God, but what they did, it was a false narrative. It was a terrible thing. We can never let this happen to another president again. I can tell you that. I say it very strongly. Very few people I know could have handled it. We can never, ever let this happen to another president again,” Trump said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in the Oval Office for a brief meeting with Trump, made a joke about what the U.S. president has been going through. “I bought him a case of the finest wine,” Netanyahu said, alothugh Trump is a teetotler. “I understand you’re not a great wine drinker but could I give it to your staff?” Trump replied, “Yes.” Netanyahu joked, “I hope they don’t open an investigation on it.”