‘One of the Greatest Hoaxes in US History’: Russiagate Narrative’s Peddlers to be Held Accountable?
- ‘One of the Greatest Hoaxes in US History’: Russiagate Narrative’s Peddlers to be Held Accountable?
by https://www.rt.com/
The Democrats and mass media should be held accountable for weaponizing the Mueller probe against Trump, ruining US-Russia ties and the lives of many Americans, ‘collusion skeptics’ tell RT, after suffering years of vilification.
“All of us were also exonerated, not just the president,” Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, told RT, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow during the 2016 US election.
“It was a witch hunt. [Trump] knew it was a witch hunt… perhaps one of the greatest hoaxes in US history,” McAdams said, stressing that all Trump supporters suffered greatly for their criticism of the two-year-long probe.
“We were demonized, we were vilified for two years, called all manner of names,” while the Democrats and most of America’s mass media were engaged in pushing a false narrative about Trump’s conspiracy with Russia.
“At the end of the day, there should be a real reckoning from this.”
“Now that these people have pushed this false narrative, and have damaged lives, and have damaged careers – is this where it’s going to end? Are they going to have to pay for their crimes?”
‘Death row for US mass media’
The American establishment and mass media not only wasted millions of taxpayers’ dollars “fomenting and stoking tensions” between world nuclear superpowers, but also undermining any remaining trust in them, political analyst Charles Ortel told RT. Americans will have to be looking elsewhere for alternative news sources to avoid being duped any further by the chorus of disinformation from the mainstream media, he added.
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