Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
X22Report Published on Mar 17, 2019 May’s/EU agreement is not going well. May is now threatening the people, you must go with the deal or the country will stay in limbo for many months or years. Just want the EU wants. Canada’s housing bubble is one of the biggest housing bubbles we have ever seen, …
DAHBOO777 Published on Mar 16, 2019 The US has threatened to revoke visas for members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague should they so much as investigate any criminal actions of American military personnel. The United States has never been a member of the ICC and considers it without authority over matters …
DAHBOO777 Published on Mar 16, 2019 After weeks of more moderate protests, France’s Yellow Vests are back in full swing following the end of President Macron’s unsuccessful ‘great debate’ – during which thousands of town halls were conducted over a two-month period in the hopes of solving national issues through citizen debates. Learn More:… …
It Started in Daraa on March 17, 2011: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 “Protest Movement”? by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Author’s note The war on Syria started eight years ago in Daraa on the 17th of March 2011. The following article first published in May 2011 examines …
PressTV Published on Mar 16, 2019 The gunman, who killed 49 people and wounded more than 40 during Friday prayers at two New Zealand mosques, has been mind-controlled by the 9/11 attacks false flag operation designed by Israel, a political analyst says. end
PressTV Published on Mar 16, 2019 The United States has intimidated the International Criminal Court’s judges with visa revocation and arrest, if they investigate ‘war crimes’ committed by Americans in Afghanistan. end
US Rights Report Shows Washington’s Hostility Towards Palestinians: Foreign Ministry by The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the United States over its decision to drop the term Israeli-occupied in describing the Golan Heights and Palestinian territories in its latest annual human rights report, stating that the measure is tantamount to Washington’s hostility towards Palestinians. …
Jerusalem Post: 71% of Israeli Jews Find Israeli Control Over The Palestinians Immoral by MAARIV ONLINE, The majority of the Jewish public (66%) thinks that there is no alternative at present. – A new survey by the Van Leer Institute, in cooperation with the Citizens Accord Forum and the Shaharit Institute, revealed on Thursday …
Semiconductor Rally Faces a ‘Collapse’ as Chip Demand Breaks Down, Economic Forecaster Lakshman Achuthan Warns by Stephanie Landsman@STEPHLANDSMAN, Economic forecaster Lakshman Achuthan is warning investors they could get scorched by one of 2019′s most popular groups. Achuthan believes the semiconductor rally is showing signs of breaking down, and he’s blaming shipment demand. – “Collapse …
Indian Military Confirms Deploying NUCLEAR Subs as Tensions With Pakistan Flared by Tensions between the two nuclear-armed Asian powers escalated last month, after an incursion into Pakistani territory in Kashmir by Indian Air Force warplanes to strike at Jihadist militants led to skirmishes in the air and small arms and artillery fire along the …
Now why hasn’t America and its allies, especially Zionist Israel, pushed for both India and Pakistan to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(NNPT)? But has instead constantly pestered and lied about Iran which has NO Nuclear weapons and NO nuclear weapons program and has signed the NNPT? Iran has publicly declared numerous times they will NOT …
Israel Mounts Savage Air Bombardment on Gaza by Jean Shaoul, Israel Defense Forces launched a massive aerial attack on 100 sites in Gaza in the early hours of Friday morning, injuring at least four people in the southern city of Rafah. Hours later, strikes were still pummeling the town of Khan Younis. – According …
Marc Faber: Huge Asset Bubble Will Be Deflated by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Legendary contrarian investor Dr. Marc Faber says forget about the coming slowdown because the economy has already been backing up for months. Faber, who holds a PhD in economics, explains, “Investors are relatively complacent. Nobody thinks a recession has begun. I …