MSM Clash: CNN Chief Slams Fox as Propaganda
- For the record: I view FoxNews as controlled opposition. They are playing the role of “Thesis” in opposition to “Anti-Thesis” in the Hegelian Dialectic. Of course, they are more truthful in comparison to CNN. It is all part of the Illuminist strategy of controlling the narrative. The Illuminist philosophy is to control all major sides in a conflict. When you listen to both sides, people tend to forget what else is happening that neither side is reporting. Ie. effective mis-direction and hiding the truth. The control of the attention of the sheeple’s mind while even more important events that are happening are not reported.
– - RT Published on Mar 13, 2019
#CNN chief Jeff Zucker has #slammed #FOX News as a ‘propaganda outlet.’ He also expressed support for the U.S. Democratic party’s decision to exclude FOX from showing its 2020 primaries.
