Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Deceived Useful Idiots: “CNN is God’s word! You cannot question CNN. It is infallible truth. If you say CNN is FAKE News, you are a terrorist, communist … girly man … a crazy person. You must believe, have faith!” – RT America Published on Mar 11, 2019 RT America’s Sara Montes de Oca joins Rick …
RT Published on Mar 11, 2019 The outrage of burning a truck with ‘humanitarian aid’ for Venezuela galvanized western opposition to President Nicolas Maduro. However, now that mainstream media admit they were ‘misled’ on this, don’t expect any change of heart. READ MORE: end
Pope Francis Hold Unprecedented Closed-Door End Times Meeting with Head of The Mormon Church, Prophet President Russell M. Nelson by Geoffrey Grider,, 9 March 2019 A visit between a pope and the man considered a prophet by millions of Latter-day Saints would have been unimaginable to leaders and members in both churches 50 years ago. …
NYTimes’ Exposé on the Lies About Burning Aid Trucks in Venezuela Shows How U.S. Government and Media Spread Pro-War Propaganda by Glenn Greenwald, EVERY MAJOR U.S. WAR of the last several decades has begun the same way: the U.S. government fabricates an inflammatory, emotionally provocative lie which large U.S. media outlets uncritically treat as truth …
Steve Quayle: ET Disclosure Or the Great Deception? by Dave Hodges recently interviewed Steve Quayle about the topic of ET’s. What are they? Are they Real? Is disclosure coming. Are they really aliens? Or, are they fallen angels? Is this some big deception designed to entrap humanity and make them turn further away from …
A Peek into the Horrific Findings of the UN Report on Israel’s Massacre of Gaza Protesters by Robert Inlakesh, The commission found serious human rights violations that may constitute crimes against humanity and called on Israel to “Lift the blockade on Gaza with immediate effect. – The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council have …
Never trust what a Zionist tells you about the modern state of Israel. They claim that modern Jews are definitely the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel. This is FALSE. They claim that the 1948 UN declaration of the state of Israel means God has brought the children of Israel back to the promised …
Global Warming A “Hoax And Scam” Pushed By Greedy Government Scientists: Greenpeace Co-Founder by Tyler Durden, The co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a “complete hoax and scam,” which has been “taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology.” …
US Government’s Lies on Aid Trucks “Torched” by Venezuela’s Maduro EXPOSED by The Trump administration accused Nicolas Maduro’s government of torching a truck with humanitarian aid amid a civil plight in Venezuela in February. The State Department later released a video of the incident, and the narrative was instantly picked up by the MSM. …
PressTV Published on Mar 11, 2019 The United States foreign policy has always served the interests of the military-industrial complex and that is why President Donald Trump is actively trying to increase the Pentagon’s budget while also pressing allies to spend more on defense, says an American analyst. Keith Preston, director of, made the …
Corbett Report Extras Published on Dec 18, 2018 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. …
One World Religion is here! Pope Francis signs peace declaration on ‘Human Fraternity’ with Grand Imam by Mary Rezac/CNA,, 5 Feb 2019 One paragraph has caused controversy, but a theologian says it must be read in the proper context – Catholics, Muslims and all who believe in God must work together to build a …
Pope Francis Meets with Top Mormon Leaders by Thomas Williams, Pope Francis met with the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Vatican Saturday, the first meeting ever between the heads of the Catholic and Mormon churches. – The occasion for the meeting was the dedication of a massive …
Can Mike Pence be trusted? NO! Why is he attempting to ignite the Illuminist’s ‘limited’ nuclear war, WW3, in Eastern Europe with Russia? – The Duran Published on Mar 10, 2019 The Duran Quick Take: Episode 100. The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss a stunning revelation reported by Bloomberg that states US …