Franco-Germany Treaty Likely to Boost Multi-Speed EU Integration, Leaving Italy Behind
- Franco-Germany Treaty Likely to Boost Multi-Speed EU Integration, Leaving Italy Behind
The new treaty signed by France and Germany on Tuesday may give a key boost to the multi-speed integration of Europe, Italian analysts said. However, they warned that the treaty would risk leaving behind other major partners, including Italy, which are currently led by populist forces.
The Treaty of Aachen, signed by Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron on Jan. 22, renews a friendship sealed with the signature of the famous Elysee Treaty in 1963. The new 16-page agreement covers several areas of bilateral cooperation, including foreign policy, defense, trade, research, climate and energy.
“Seen from the EU’s perspective, the treaty is a relevant event,” Federico Niglia, international relations and European history professor with the LUISS University in Rome, told Xinhua. “All stages of the so-called Franco-German axis have always served as a metronome for the European integration process.”
Closer Franco-German cooperation has also been consistent with the path of enhanced cooperation laid down by the 2007 EU Treaty of Lisbon, which opened the possibility of a multi-speed (or multi-tier) Europe, meaning different EU countries integrating at different levels and pace.
Yet, the analyst noted that this renewed friendship between the two major countries of Europe also comes at a time when the EU appears to be “particularly divided.” “The fact that the treaty was signed by two non-populist governments a few months before the elections to renew the European Parliament (in May) means that it would also take on an anti-populist value,” Niglia explained.
Michele Nones, scientific advisor at the Rome-based Institute for International Affairs (IAI) and European affairs advisor at the Italian Ministry of Defense, agreed that the new treaty was a good signal for the EU. “It is a sign of strengthening integration at the core of the European process, which has always been represented by Franco-German cooperation,” Nones told Xinhua.
Nonetheless, both analysts highlighted that this “core” now comprised only two of the 27 EU member states (considering the forthcoming Brexit). “This so-called inner circle, which could speed up the overall integration process, is for now limited to France and Germany, which might not be seen as positive,” Nones stressed.
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The Beast from the Sea: 13 Then I[a] stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,[b] and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.

Photograph by Nadav Kander for TIME
President Emmanuel Macron in the Élysée Palace on Nov. 7.
