Globalist Pope Francis’ Marxist Program to End All Sovereign Nations
- “Globalism” is a euphemism by which “Globalists” (ie Illuminists, Satanists) prepare the world for a Luciferian New World Order, One World Government led by the Anti-Christ.
– - Globalist Pope Francis’ Marxist Program to End All Sovereign Nations
by Vic Biorseth, April 11, 2017,
Our Globalist Pope leads the attack on all National Sovereignty to bring an end to all national borders in favor of Total Global Disorder, ostensibly for the good of the Planet and the Poor.
We have spoken of Pope Francis’ obvious Marxism among the Papal Imperfections Pages, among other places. His unfailing support of Marxism’s total global agenda leads to one possible conclusion, that he may actually be a Radical Marxist Revolutionary in deep disguise. Or, of course, he could be stupid; a mere Marxist Useful Idiot. Or something somewhere in between, like a Progressive.
Whatever he is, he opposes national sovereignty and the right of nations to have borders and rules of entry. And, whether he believes it or not, he fervently supports the Marxist-Globalist-driven Climate Change hoax aimed at all nations subordinating themselves to Global Governance, for the good of the planet.
(And for the good of Globalism.)
Without naming names, specifically without naming President Trump, Pope Francis has embarked on a program directly opposing anti-illegal immigration “Right Wing Populism” in all sovereign nations with borders. He wants all nations to allow floods of un-vetted, undocumented, aliens to enter their borders without restriction.
No need to apply for immigration papers at any embassy, no need for any immigration papers, no need to do anything the law requires in any nation, or even to enter through the appropriate entry points. Just flood right on in, from any point on any border. And bring your Marxism and/or your Islamism with you, right on into your new host country.
Lots of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests have jumped on Francis’ Globalist bandwagon and are welcoming criminal aliens with open arms, all over America. Publishing foreign language lists of “rights” for them to learn and take advantage of, as if they were citizens with citizen’s rights, and not criminal aliens at all.
The Washington Post reports on How Francis is Leading the Catholic Church against the anti-Globalist notion of Nationhood. There you can read about how high ranking American Catholic clerics ware working feverishly to destroy American sovereignty, in the name of the Poor.
It’s really in the name of Globalism, and in the name of the ruler of the Globe.
read more.

I was sold to the Vatican long before i was born. Chosen to implement new world orda. Thank God he saved me. Part of the bloodlines so never had a chance to escape the evil till grandad died
This Estate Claim and lien has been recorded and is now being forwarded to Pope Francis.