The European Union Was a CIA Project: What is to be Done?
- The European Union Was a CIA Project: What is to be Done?
by stefano fait,
Authoritarianism was a defining feature of the European project from the inception.
This, to some extent, accounts for the callous cruelty that European institutions have shown to, for instance, the Greeks; their growing intolerance of any expression of dissenting views; the cosy arrangement between corporations and institutions; their support of neonazi and neofascist forces in Ukraine, etc.
We must never forget that the chief driver behind this project was the American Committee for a United Europe, established in 1948, with Allen Dulles, the longest-serving director of the CIA, as its vice-chairman (Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs, Telegraph, 19 September 2000).
Dulles is widely regarded as one the main culprits for the gradual erosion of democracy in the West: Dulles saw himself as above the elected law, manipulating and subverting American presidents in the pursuit of his personal interests and those of the wealthy elite he counted as his friends and clients — colluding with Nazi-controlled cartels, German war criminals, and Mafiosi in the process. Targeting foreign leaders for assassination and overthrowing nationalist governments not in line with his political aims, Dulles employed those same tactics to further his goals at home, Talbot charges, offering shocking new evidence in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, New York Times Bestseller, 2015).
It is thus unsurprising that the 1965 vice-president of the European Community was instructed to achieve monetary union by stealth, orchestrating the debate in such a way that the adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable (“The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover”, Telegraph, 27 April 2016).
Let’s go back then to the origins of the European project and see what went wrong right from the start, as far too many “former” Nazi and fascist, as well as anti-democratic lobbyists, managed to rise through the ranks of the institutions exercising legislative, executive and judicial powers within the European establishment, spreading the totalitarian virus which possessed their minds.
Walter Hallstein, a professor of law at the University of Frankfurt am Main, rector of the university’s institute on comparative law in 1941, a trusted member of the Nazi Association of Protectors of the German Law and of the delegation sent to negotiate with fascist Italy in 1938, became one of the founding fathers of the future European Union in the aftermath of WWII. Having eschewed prosecution at the Nuremberg trials, he was appointed first President of the European Commission from 1958 to 1967.
This is how Charles de Gaulle understood his efforts towards the unification of the continent: Hallstein ardently espouses the theory of the super-state, and uses all his cleverness to ensure that the community would assume such a character and shape. Brussels, where he resides, he has turned it into his capital. He is invested with characteristics of sovereignty, directing his colleagues to whom he has apportioned the power, having several thousand functionaries appointed, assigned, promoted, paid, by virtue of his decisions, receiving the credentials of foreign ambassadors, claiming great honours during his official visits; moreover anxious to advance the integration of the six nations which he believes will act in the way he imagines by the sheer force of destiny.
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