Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
PressTV Published on Dec 21, 2018 Tension has intensified between Lebanon and Israel along Lebanon’s southern border after Israeli forces installed barbed wire fences in the area. This came after Israel launched an operation to cut off tunnels allegedly used by the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah into the occupied Palestinian territories. end
RT Published on Dec 21, 2018 Invention & deception in Germany, where a top journalist from the respected Der Spiegel newspaper has been sacked for making up stories for years. READ MORE: end
RT Published on Dec 21, 2018 Israeli forces shot & teargassed protesters, reportedly killing a Palestinian teenager & injuring at least 73 in Shajaiya on Friday as the Great March of Return entered its 39th week. end
Game of Deception: How a Fraudster Who Faked His Stories for Years Got to be Germany’s Top Reporter by Germany has been rocked by a scandal involving one of the top reporters writing for the reputable Der Spiegel magazine, who turned out to be a fraudster. What made a fabulst into a star? Let’s look …
Psyop Which Saw Democrats Pose as Russians Ahead of Alabama Poll Swept Under Carpet (Video) by A $100,000 Democrat psyop to fake Russian interference in an Alabama election was brushed aside by the US media as nonconsequential. But the alleged Russian operation of similar cost is treated as a Pearl Harbor-like attack. – The controversial …
Guardian Challenged Over ‘Fake’ Assange & Manafort Story, as Luke Harding Goes AWOL by Leading journalists have called out the Guardian for not retracting their story that claimed Wikileaks’ Julian Assange met with ex-Donald Trump operative Paul Manafort despite a lack of evidence to support the claims. – Led by ex-Guardian writer, now co-editor at …
Corbett Report Extras Published on Dec 18, 2018 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We …
Continued American Occupation of the Middle East Does Not Suppress Terrorism, It Causes It by Even the neo-con warmongers’ house journal The Guardian, furious at Trump’s attempts to pull US troops out of Syria, in producing a map to illustrate its point, could only produce one single, uncertain, very short pen stroke to describe the minute strip …
RT America Published on Dec 20, 2018 Larry and former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) discuss Paul’s warning of an impending market meltdown, and his take on removing U.S. troops from Syria. Then, Larry and the political panel take on Facebook’s privacy policies. end
X22Report Published on Dec 21, 2018 Trump is pushing for the wall to be funded, the House voted yes and now it moves to the Senate. Mark Meadows says if the government shutdown government employees should not be paid. Mattis resigned, the deep state is reeling from this, they are in extreme panic. Peace talks are …
RT America Published on Dec 21, 2018 Political and media elites in the US are in an uproar over Sec. Jim Mattis’s departure from the Defense Department. His reason? That President Trump is not hawkish enough – and the establishment seems to agree. If the role of media was once to challenge those in power, then …
It appears Trump is keeping his words or at least: butting heads with the Illuminist MIC to keep his words. Trump for 2020, MAGA! – RT America Published on Dec 20, 2018 While withdrawing troops from Syria was a pillar of Trump’s presidential campaign, his sudden decision to follow through has been met with backlash from …