French Yellow Vest Protests Spread Through Europe To Belgium And The Netherlands
- French Yellow Vest Protests Spread Through Europe To Belgium And The Netherlands
by Robert Wheeler,
Editor’s Note: When I watch the Yellow Vest protests in France, and now in other parts of Europe, I can’t help but wonder if this is where we, too, are headed here in the United States. Between widespread political divisiveness and an economy that is truly suffering – despite what you see on the news – people here are also fed up. Is it only a matter of time before people in the US take to the streets by the hundreds of thousands and say, “Enough?” It’s truly essential to watch what’s going on in Europe to get a glimpse at our potential future – and to prepare for it. ~ Daisy
As protests continue to rage in France, discontent is festering elsewhere in Europe at the same time. What began as a routine protest deep in Paris has swelled to over a hundred thousand people and approximately five locations throughout the country. Anger over yet another eco-fascist “gas tax” seems to have been the straw that finally broke the camel’s back.
This, of course, was combined with other problems too: constant foreign military adventures, falling wages, rising costs of living, rising costs of healthcare, privatization of essential services, cultural disruption as a result of heavy migration, and growing unemployment as a result of Free Trade globalist policies.
France is now facing the possibility of martial law or greater unrest and violence.
It’s not just France dealing with Yellow Vest protests.
And the discontent being seen in France is also being felt elsewhere in Europe – most notably Belgium and the Netherlands. Although receiving much less media attention, the “yellow vests” have taken to the street in Belgium over many of the same concerns as their counterparts in France.
But while the French version of the protests was set off by the proposed increase of fuel taxes and ballooned into a movement addressing greater issues, there was no straw to place on the camel’s back in Belgium. There were no new fuel taxes announced or any other new policy that was receiving coverage in the media or causing discontent with Belgians at the time. The Belgian government is increasing the cost of fuel but the policy is not a new one. Belgians already pay the highest state taxes for fuel in Europe.
Interestingly enough, it seems that the “final straw” for Belgian was imported from France.
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