Massive ‘Hole’ in the Sun’s Atmosphere to Blast Earth with Storms this Weekend
- nemesis maturity Published on Dec 6, 2018
Solar radiation sent firing into space after a huge hole ripped open in the Sun is expected to blast Earth this weekend. Hot plasma, which spewed from the Sun leaving the monster hole in the Sun’s upper atmosphere, will hurtle towards Earth at 1 and a half million miles per hour. The hole is so large it almost completely bisects the solar disk, stretching more than a million km across the sun’s equator. We’ve seen this hole before. It has been spinning around with the sun, lashing Earth with solar wind approximately once a month since September. Last month, the lashing commenced on Nov. 9th, lasted for two days, and caused sharp tremors in the geomagnetic field. Solar winds blowing faster than 600 km/s sparked an explosion of Phoenix-shaped auroras over Norway. Solar wind flowing from this hole will return on Dec. 8th or 9th. Sky watchers, especially around the Arctic Circle should remain alert for visual aurora.
Breaking a string of 9 spotless days, a new sunspot group is emerging near the sun’s equator. Only 24 hours ago it was invisible. Now the sunspot contains almost a dozen dark cores and sprawls across more than 75,000 km of the solar surface. It is currently producing minor B-Class solar flares. Although noteworthy solar flares are not expected, the sunspot should be monitored during the next 24 hours.