UK Prime Minister Theresa May Says She Disagrees with Trump, Iran is Honoring Nuke Deal
- UK Prime Minister Theresa May Says She Disagrees with Trump, Iran is Honoring Nuke Deal
by William Cummings,
British Prime Minister Theresa May said Iran has honored the multilateral agreement to limit its nuclear weapons program and said the deal should remain in place, in sharp contrast with U.S. policy under President Donald Trump who has pulled America out of the deal.
“From what we see, we believe that it is doing that,” May told “CBS This Morning” co-host John Dickerson in an interview Friday when asked if Iran has been abiding by the agreement. She said that the question of Iran’s adherence to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is “an area where I do have a difference of opinion” with Trump.
“We do agree with the United States that there are other aspects of Iran’s behavior that we need to be dealing with, too,” May said, citing as examples the country’s development of ballistic missiles and its actions that “destabilize the region.”
“We need to address those issues, too. But we also want to ensure that we have a nuclear deal in place that prevents them from getting a nuclear weapon,” she said.
The interview with Dickerson took place Friday and will air Monday morning.
May said that Britain and the other nations that worked on the JPCOA believe “it should stay in place.” Keeping the deal in place will mean Britain and the other signatures will not adhere to some U.S. sanctions on Iran and that companies from those countries can conduct business with the theocratic regime.
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