Google, AI, Closing of Observatories, Persecution of Christians, Destruction of Christianity, Coming of Fallen Angels ….
- There is no way of confirming the massive UFO fleet appearing near the sun in the video at bottom of post. It isn’t the first time such anomalies have been photographed. Your guess as good as mine regarding the reason for the closure of Sunspot observatory in New Mexico. The official account definitely smells like BS. (Note: Coincidentally Comet 21P reaches closest point to earth on 10 Sep 2018. Not sure what this means, if anything.)
– - National Solar Observatory Mysteriously Closed As Geomagnetic Storm Looms
by Tyler Durden,, 11 Sep 2018
The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico has been closed since last Thursday.
ABC-7 also reached out to the FBI, but did not hear back from the federal agency in time for deadline. The FBI did speak with local law enforcement about the length of the observatory closure.
“The FBI is refusing to tell us what’s going on. We’ve got people up there (at Sunspot) that requested us to standby while they evacuate it. Nobody would really elaborate on any of the circumstances as to why.
The FBI were up there. What their purpose was nobody will say. But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there.
There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
Just in case you were blowing off the tin-foil-hat views of the observatory closure, we note that all these solar/space cams down at the same time:
* AXIS 232D Network Dome Camera located in Sydney Australia
* Webcams located at SOAR Observatory – The Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope located in Chile
* BRT Tenerife Telescope Webcam located in Spain
* Webcam located at Mauna Kea observatory at the University of Hawaii Hilo
* Webcam from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope observatory in Hawaii
* Webcam at JAT OBservatory in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
- Google, AI, Closing of Observatories, Persecution of Christians, Destruction of Christianity, Coming of Fallen Angels ….
by Dave Hodges,
Observatories are closing in record numbers. Why? Because “they” are soon going to be arriving. Who is arriving? The fallen angels. Do not be deceived. If governments proclaim that this is the beginning of ET disclosure, do not believe them. This is the new religion. It is called Transhumanism. However, before the AI, transhumanist religion can take hold, the one true religion, Christianity, must be eradicated along with its followers. That movement is underway in China, and the same people who brought the Chinese people the technology and associated philosophy necessary to carry out this evil deed, are the same people behind Transhumanism in China, and they are bringing the same threat to America. These people have a name it is Google.
China is the beta test and the elimination of American Christians is the goal.
The Purge
The “purge” is beginning in China. The Chinese government has dusted off an old Soviet Union strategy and have declared many churches to be “illegal” because they violate some mythical zoning code that continues to change every time the communist government encounters a church that truly preaches the word of God.
All churches in China must now fly, over its main worship building, the China’s national flag. The leaders must pay homage to the Communist Party.
The Communist Chinese have employed thousands of moles that have infiltrated the churches. And in combination with social media spying, an enemies of the state list has been created and is being acted upon. Google has provided the NSA and other associated agencies the same capability. This is actually not a new movement in America. The infamous MIAC report defined an enemy of the state as someone who, in 2008, supported Ron Paul, supported the Second Amendment, was a Constititutionalist And in China when one appears on “the list”, what is the price of being on the “undesirables” list? Forced labor, forced organ transplants and even death.
read more.
If there’s one thing you can rely on these days, then it’s the fact that official explanations are almost always a lie. There’s the official version, and then there’s the real version of any event. The elites get one version, the sheeple get another. That’s the ultimate pride of the elites, that they do have access to special insider knowledge. So by definition, what the public gets is not insider information, and therefore of inferior value, or in other words: massive deception. The truth is simply too valuable to be given to the unwashed, according to the elites.
In case you’re ready for the true truth about our future, then have a look at this video, a nugget of truth in an ocean of lies IMHO:
Peter Kling: 2020-21 End of Religion; 3.5 years 666PrinceWilliam; Nibiru&Christ Consciousness lands