NASA to Make MAJOR Announcement on Thursday about LIFE on Mars

- NASA – Never A Straight Answer, once again playing psyop games with the sheeple. Of course, there is life on Mars. The question is: what are all those: buildings, ancient ruins, signs of civilizations …. ??? They are the works of the fallen angels and their Nephilim children.
– - NASA to Make MAJOR Announcement on Thursday about LIFE on Mars
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity has made an exciting discovery on Mars and it will be revealed to the world by the space agency at 6pm GMT on Thursday 7.
NASA revealed few details about what will be announced, but the “live discussion” will feature “new science results from NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover,” according to the space agency’s announcement. The space agency wrote in a statement the “results are embargoed by the journal Science until Thursday 7”. The press conference is scheduled at 6pm GMT (2pm EDT).
According to NASA, Thursday’s discussion will be hosted by Michelle Thaller, the assistant director of science for communications in the agency’s Planetary Science Division. Presenters will include Jen Eigenbrode, a research scientist at the Goddard centre. Chris Webster, a senior research fellow at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California will also be present along with Ashwin Vasavada, NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory project scientist at JPL. And Paul Mahaffy, director of the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
NASA will broadcast the discussion on its NASA TV channel as well as on Facebook Live, Twitch TV, Ustream, Youtube and Twitter.
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