On The Brink: Israel Warns That The “Threshold Of War” Will Be Crossed If Hamas Doesn’t Stop Firing Rockets
- On The Brink: Israel Warns That The “Threshold Of War” Will Be Crossed If Hamas Doesn’t Stop Firing Rockets
by full moon over Jerusalem that was “almost red”, and some are taking that as an ominous sign. This is also the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, and that certainly adds an extra dimension to the events that are unfolding right in front of our eyes. This is the worst violence that we have seen between the Israelis and Hamas since 2014, and many are extremely concerned about what we may see next. Over the past 24 hours, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have fired approximately 70 rockets and mortars into Israel, and the IDF has responded by conducting at least 60 airstrikes in Gaza. Even as I write this article, there are reports that the fighting has continued all through the night. If the hostilities continue, we could very well see a full blown war erupt, and such a war could ultimately draw in the Palestinians in the West Bank, Hezbollah and more of Israel’s neighbors as well. To say that things are tense in the region would be a major understatement. On Tuesday, it was reported that there was a
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- Published on Nov 19, 2012
TRUTH TALK NEWS host Howard Nema covers the rising conflict in Gaza and exposes the truth about Hamas, that was created by the Israeli Mossad to counter Yasir Arafat resulting in decades of “blowback” also known as false flag terror.

The fulfillment of Revelation 12 is near.
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