Trump Gives Merkel An Ultimatum: Drop Russian Gas Pipeline Or Trade War Begins
- Trump is making a ‘fatal’ mistake. He is not part of the Illuminati ‘I love Satan’ club. It does not appear Merkel will bow to Trump on this issue. There are sufficient evidence to suggest Merkel ie. Europe, is about to flip towards Russia. The idea that Europe will play the dutiful vassal state role is no longer true. Ie. the end of US hegemony over Europe is visible. The only way the American Illuminati can kill the blossoming romance with Russia is to ignite their limited nuclear WW3: US-NATO-Europe vs Russia. With every passing day, it looks less and less likely this will happen. The obstacle to this WW3 scenario may be Trump himself.
– - Trump Gives Merkel An Ultimatum: Drop Russian Gas Pipeline Or Trade War Begins
by Tyler Durden,
It became clear just how important it is to the US for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project to fail two months ago when, as we described in “US Threatens Sanctions For European Firms Participating In Russian Gas Pipeline Project“, the U.S. State Department warned European corporations that they will likely face penalties and sanctions if they participate in the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 on the grounds that “the project undermines energy security in Europe”, when in reality Russia has for decades been a quasi-monopolist on European energy supplies and thus has unprecedented leverage over European politics, at least behind the scenes.
“As many people know, we oppose the Nord Stream 2 project, the US government does,” State Department spokeswoman, Heather Nauert said during a late March press briefing adding that “the Nord Stream 2 project would undermine Europe’s overall energy security and stability. It would provide Russia [with] another tool to pressure European countries, especially countries such as Ukraine.” And speaking of Ukraine, recall that in 2014, shortly after the US State Department facilitated the presidential coup in Ukraine, Joe Biden’s son Hunter joined the board of directors of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest oil and gas company. Surely that was merely a coincidence.
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