Sinai is Being Cleared for Trump’s Deal of the Century. The Forced Resettlement of Palestinians into North Sinai Desert. The Coming Fulfillment of Revelation 12:6,13-14

- Apparently, this article agrees with me 100%:
“Third, the most important objective in my view in this futile war is emptying the areas required for the Sinai deal under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The events may develop by launching Israeli incursions into Gaza, and the authorities will open corridors through the border wall to allow Palestinians fleeing the shelling to be sheltered in Sinai for humanitarian reasons. This will be codified later in the deal of the century, which is planned to be announced by US President Trump in March.”
– - I have blown the warning trumpet for the past 9+ years. It is time for people who should wake up and and do their job of waking others up! I am not saying that Revelation 12:6,13-14 will happen next week or month. But the conditions for its fulfillment are all there. I believe the Synagogue of Satan will trigger some kind of WW3, execute their Satanic HOAX strong delusion of 2 Thess 2:9-12, destroy the Dome of Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque, collapse the EU and launch their 10 Horn Beast empire … all these events very soon and highly compressed in time.

Remember: Revelation 12:6 (CEV) 6 The woman ran into the desert to a place that God had prepared for her. There she would be taken care of for one thousand two hundred sixty days.”
The Sinai peninsula is a desert. Click on image for article!