Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog The Alex Jones Channel Published on Jan 5, 2018 Jon Rappaport exposes the toxic collusion between Big Pharma and the MSM. end The Alex Jones Channel Published on Jan 5, 2018 This woman reveals the heart of the Russia probe when she claims that no actual crime needs to be committed in order to make a case against someone for obstruction of justice. end The Alex Jones Channel Published on Jan 5, 2018 Alex Jones talks with Infowars source Zaq regarding the Deep State as well as the globalist’s plans. end
Iranian Protests: Deep State’s Unfinished Business by Tony Cartalucci, Protests have been reported across several cities in Iran over the last several days of December 2017. Protesters allegedly decry Iran’s economy as well as the nation’s involvement in nearby Syria. – The Western media has attempted to cultivate two narratives – one focused on portraying the …
Chelsea Clinton Denies Devil Worship After Tweets to Church of Satan by Former first daughter also urges Satanic organization members to sign up for Obamacare. Chelsea Clinton denied worshipping the devil Wednesday after sending several tweets to The Church of Satan. – The former first daughter exchanged pleasantries with the Satanic organization this week after noting how she …
RT Published on Jan 5, 2018 Russia has criticised America’s move to call an emergency UN Security Council session on Iran, where a week-long mass protest saw 21 people killed. Moscow says the UN shouldn’t interfere on what it sees as a strictly internal issue. READ MORE: end
RT Published on Jan 5, 2018 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said the world may be “doomed” if the conviction of a Turkish banker by a US court is how the US understands justice, and warned that US-Turkish ties and accords are “losing validity.” end
Macron Fears EU COLLAPSE: Tense Brexit Talks Could Lead to ‘DIVISION in United Front’ by LEIGH BOOBYER, EMMANUEL Macron has warned cracks in the European Union could be exposed during Brexit negotiations and admitted Europe’s “united front” over phase two of talks is under threat. – The French President has become a key consensus-builder in the …
RT America Published on Jan 4, 2018 Is it fair to accuse Iran of terrorism when the United States is currently bombing seven countries, operating torture sites, and has killed more than 20 million people since WWII, Robert Fantina, journalist and author of the book “Empire, Racism, and Genocide: A History of US Foreign Policy,” tells …
The propaganda in this article is obvious. ISIS is a tool of the Israeli Mossad, supported by USA and its allies. Hamas is a creation of Israel ie. controlled opposition. The purpose of Hamas is to create a pretext for the continued genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians (ie. REAL Jews) by Zionist ‘666’ …
The propaganda in this article is obvious. ISIS is a tool of the Israeli Mossad, supported by USA and its allies. Hamas is a creation of Israel ie. controlled opposition. The purpose of Hamas is to create a pretext for the continued genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians (ie. REAL Jews) by Zionist ‘666’ …
Iranian Prosecutor Points Finger at CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia for Unrest by Iran’s public prosecutor has blamed the CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia for stirring unrest in the Islamic Republic which resulted in the deaths of more than 20 people over the last week. – Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said Thursday that the “main protector” of the …
If Washington Succeeds in Destabilizing Iran, Russia and China Are Next by Paul Craig Roberts, Iran in 2018 In 1953 Washington and Britain overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed a dictator to rule Iran for the benefit of Washington and the British. In declassified documents, the CIA has admitted its role in …