End of the EU? Hoey Warns Brussels May Not Survive as Countries Split Over Superstate
- End of the EU? Hoey Warns Brussels May Not Survive as Countries Split Over Superstate
by MARK CHANDLER, https://www.express.co.uk/
BREXIT backing Labour MP Kate Hoey has warned the European Union is splitting over plans for a superstate and it cannot take its survival for granted any longer.
The outspoken Vauxhall politician warned the bloc was being ripped apart by those pushing for an ever closer union and east European states who want less centralised control. And she claimed the split showed Brexit was the right decision for the country, calling for Labour party chiefs to throw their weight behind it. She said: “Surely Labour must understand that the EU 27 is already changing. “Strong forces are moving it towards a centralised financial, economic and political entity while at the same time countries such as Poland are beginning to assert their own state rights.
“For the first time the EU can no longer take its future survival for granted. “This may be hard for Remainers to accept – especially those who have built their careers on thriving in the comfortably rewarding embrace of the EU institutions.”
Ms Hoey, who has also accused her party of trying to sabotage Brexit, wrote in the Telegraph: “The Labour leadership now needs to listen to the voices of its core supporters outside London and commit to a fast, clean ‘Leave’. “The people were asked and the answer was given. In a democracy that is enough.”
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