Part 4 – The Transition to a New Financial System Has Begun – 2008 Was Just a Warning
- ITM Trading Streamed live 7 hours ago
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The explosion in the speculative derivative market in 2008 killed the fiat money system and central banks know it. Governments and central bankers know that when the next financial crisis becomes obvious to the public, all confidence in the current system and those that the run it, will be lost. Therefore a “trustless” system is required.
In 2009 Bitcoin was introduced as a decentralized alternative to fiat money. Promoted as being “outside” the current system and as good as gold, many that promoted physical gold and silver (the public enemy of central banks and governments) began to promote crypto currencies.
In 2017 Bitcoin rose over 2,200% and Wall Street began to legitimize crypto currencies and create a new market. Adoption of the new money standard is underway. But the biggest risk are the $1.7 Quadrillion derivative bets, many of which are legacy derivatives. There is no market for these bets.
If blockchain technology is truly transparent and tamper proof, how can shifting garbage from one financial system into the new system help? To fully embrace a new financial system, the old one MUST reset. That’s why governments, central banks and the 1% have been accumulating gold. Their preference for you is cyber, they can see and control that. But for themselves? Physical gold, the proven flight to safety asset.
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