The Dollar’s Reign As The Global Reserve Currency Is Running Out – Fast
- The Dollar’s Reign As The Global Reserve Currency Is Running Out – Fast
by Tyler Durden,
The dollar’s hegemony over the global financial system can’t last forever. Like all things, it will eventually come to an end.
The only question left, as MacroVoices’ Erik Townsend puts it, is whether we’re in the second inning and there’s going to be another hundred years of the dollar serving as the world’s global reserve currency? Or whether we’re in the bottom of the ninth and it’s all about to fall apart? Or maybe somewhere in between.
In an interview with Jeffrey Snider, CIO at Alhambra Partners, Luke Gromen, founder of Forest for the Trees, and Mark Yusko, founder and fund manager for Morgan Creek, Townsend explores the issue in greater detail. For many, the decline of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is difficult to imagine. But the first blow to the petrodollar system has already been delivered: By refusing to accept oil payments in dollars, Venezuela has demonstrated to the world that an alternative system to the petrodollar is indeed possible. Furthermore, Latin America’s socialist paradise has begun publishing an oil-price index denominated in yuan. We’ve also highlighted reports that Russia, Venezuela and Iran – three countries that have trouble accumulating dollars because of Treasury Department sanctions – are considering launching a cryptocurrency backed by oil.
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