Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog The Alex Jones Channel Published on Nov 4, 2017 The future King of England thinks their are too many people on the planet and what it means for the future of the earth. end
US Boosts Special Operations Forces Presence at Russia’s Border by PETER KORZUN, The deployment of US Special Operations Forces in Europe is never in spotlight but it is rapidly increasing. There can be no other purpose than acquisition of capability to deliver strikes deep into Russia’s territory. – The Trump administration is relying heavily on Special Operations Forces …
Israel Threatens to Launch Incursion into Syria by The Israeli military has threatened to launch an incursion into Syria “to protect” the people of a village populated by the Arab country’s Druze minority, who are themselves supportive of the Syrian government. – “In recent hours, we witness the intensifying of the fighting at the area …
Unleashed! ‘Flood’ of Hollywood Sex-Abuse Survivors Ready to Talk by GREG COROMBOS, Producer: ‘It’s not just a lone pedophile. This is a highly organized group of people’ – The sexual assault accusations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and now actor Kevin Spacey have Hollywood bracing for a “flood” of abused actors to come forward in the …
Mark Taylor: Mind Boggling Treasonous Acts Exposed and Punished. The Enemy Turns & Devours One Another by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former firefighter Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted President Donald Trump would win the 2016 election. The day after Trump’s historic win, Taylor predicted there were going to be “military style tribunals” to …
Ground Invasion of N. Korea ‘Only Way’ to Secure Its Nukes with Certainty – Pentagon by A ground invasion of North Korea is the only way to eliminate its nuclear weapon sites in case of war, while Pyongyang might respond with chemical and biological weapons, a top Pentagon official said in a letter to US …
Saudi Helicopter Carrying 8 High-Ranking Officials & Prince Bin-Muqrin Crashed Near Yemen Border – All Dead by Tyler Durden, The shocking latest twist in what has been a chaotic weekend in Saudi Arabia is news that a helicopter transporting 8 high-ranking Saudi officials (including prince Mansour bin-Muqrin) has crashed in the south of the Kingdom, near the …
Saudis Call Missile Attack “Blatant Act Of Aggression” By Iran, “Could Be Considered Act Of War” by Tyler Durden, War is coming… This weekend’s chaos in the middle east just got considerably more serious. Yesterday we detailed reports that the Saudis intercepted a ballistic missile over the nation’s capital Riyadh… At the time, Al Jazeera reported …