Rob Kirby: Could Be Just Days Or Weeks Until The Collapse Of The Petrodollar
- Rob Kirby: Could Be Just Days Or Weeks Until The Collapse Of The Petrodollar
Rob Kirby says that the system won’t stay afloat much longer as the petrodollar is failing. We could be just days to weeks away. Here’s why…
Rob Kirby interviewed by Silver Doctors
Also, Kirby discusses Catalonia’s movement towards independence. “The vote to become independent in Catalonia is symptomatic of a growing desire of peoples around the world to reject the forces of globalism,” Kirby says. He continues that now this anti-globalism movement is unstoppable. And Kirby answers viewers questions covering the following topics:
– Pensions will suffer “apocalypse.”
– Paying off debt vs. prepping for crisis
– How much gold and silver to own
– The petrodollar will collapse within months
– Demand for physical metal will overwhelm price manipulation
– Cryptocurrencies vs. fiat currencies