BREAKING: UN Calls For WORLD CURRENCY! A Global "New Deal" Under The SDR!
- World Alternative Media Published on Sep 15, 2017
Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen regarding the recent but predictable call by Mukhisa Kituyi, chief of UNCTAD (the U.N. trade and development agency) to implement a global “New Deal” like that of FDR’s in order to give the global economy a “makeover for the 21st century.” Of course, under FDR’s “New Deal” in the 1990s, gold was seized in order to create the ESF as well as later the IMF and vast amounts of currency was printed. The IMF is desperately attempting to implement their global centrally planned cashless currency into the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) and the power shift is happening at a scale the world has never seen before.
As China, India, Australia, Sweden among countless other countries push forward a cashless system, slowly but surely (except in the case of China and India), the IMF is looking at relocating to Beijing, China and the central planners are scrambling to enforce this agenda on the populace as soon as possible. The fiat system is crumbling at its foundation and it can only be sustained for a short time longer.
Interest rates will have to go in the negative and the only way for this to be beneficial in the longer term is if the currency made up of localized currencies under one system is digital. This is why the disturbing push towards this system is so pertinent today. The global order is here and it will only take a few more maneuvers for it to be definitive. It is more important than ever for people to decentralize and insure their wealth. For people to be independent and self sustainable. To be financially responsible and educated. We will continue to cover this issue as we have. Stay tuned!
– - UN calls for global economic makeover to replace neoliberalism
by with Reuters
The world must ditch austerity and economic neoliberalism and undertake a global “New Deal” to rebalance the global economy and achieve prosperity for all, the UN trade and development agency UNCTAD said in a report on Thursday (14 September).
UNCTAD chief Mukhisa Kituyi said the global economy was picking up but still not lifting off.
“A combination of too much debt and too little demand at the global level has hampered sustained expansion of the world economy,” he said in a statement.
Much of the blame was aimed at “neoliberalism”, a term used to refer to governments cutting back on their own role and leaving the private sector to lead economic and social development within a free-market capitalist system.
After decades of such policies, the system was perceived to be unduly biased in favour of a handful of large corporations, financial institutions and wealthy individuals, the report said. The world now needed a “21st century makeover”, the document states.
“The whole neoliberal mantra that ‘there is no alternative’ has begun to fall apart,” Richard Kozul-Wright, UNCTAD’s globalisation director, told a news conference. “There are plenty of alternatives out there and they are urgently needed given the kind of economic and social imbalances that we are currently facing.”
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