Jim Willie: All American Finance Is Fraud
- Jim Willie: All American Finance Is Fraud
by https://ochelli.com/, http://goldenjackass.com/
Oil and the Petro-dollar , as Houston is pounded by Hurricane Harvey. What’s the reality of the trail of Gold Bars that are allegedly in Fort Knox? Jim Willie helps us follow the money as White Dragons make deals , Rothschild Family divides and the Chinese continue bailing out of the sinking ship that is the U.S. Dollar. All American Finance Is Fraud . How Much Gold would it take to back a U.S. Dollar ? Snowballs or ice pops in Hell? Banks and their Cartel Customers? Drugs , Oil , Blood , just a different bank bag containing the same shit. All American Finance Is Fraud Government is paralyzed by debt, ceiling or No ? All American Finance Is Fraud . We only had an hour with Jim Willie but if you need to know more … Which you do … Go Get : Follow That Money