Lynette Zang: They Want to Get Rid of Cash. Financial System Cannot be Trusted — Gold $9,300 & Silver $625
- Lynette Zang: They Want to Get Rid of Cash. Financial System Cannot be Trusted — Gold $9,300, Silver $625 Now
by Greg Hunter’s
Market analyst Lynette Zang says get ready for a “money standard shift.” A reset in how we buy and sell things is being put into place. Zang contends, “Look at the crypto currency area because they know that’s where they want to go. They have to take us there so they can get rid of cash, and they can control everything directly. . . . Generally speaking, all these new crypto coins that are coming out and are making lots of money and people marry that money because of nominal confusion, what is really happening is they are preparing us . . . for a money standard shift.”
Zang explains that the U.S. dollar has lost about 96% of its value since inception of the Federal Reserve, and its value is “nearing the bottom. . . . So, there is no place else to go but to digital currency,” says Zang.
On interest rates, Zang says with all the massive debt out there globally, rates cannot be allowed to rise, and central bankers “need interest rates to be negative.” Zang says, “Interest rates will not go up too much further because that will trigger the derivative market unless they are ready for the shift . . . because all that debt keeps coming due. It’s not like they are paying that debt off, they are just rolling it into additional debt. Rising interest rates will cost everybody more money.”
If rates go up to around 4%, Zang contends, “That would be a trigger and cause a derivative event that will implode all the markets.”
Zang says we are headed towards an undemocratic technocratic financial system. Zang explains, “Technocrats don’t care about people, they care about systems. That’s what the most important thing is. The formulas that guide all of those systems is not how a democracy works. . . . Essentially, what they are trying to do is get all wealth held in cyberspace and the title to all wealth held in cyberspace. Then the “Smart Contract” can immediately transfer that title. You can go to the mall and spend the equity in your house.”
Zang warns that central banks could make a big mistake and lose control quickly. Zang says, “They could lose control because it’s all about confidence. Why do they keep testing all of this confidence? People have been losing a lot of confidence in the governments and central banks. Why do they need a trustless system? They could lose control.”
Zang says every fiat currency will reset against gold and silver, and if it happened today, she estimates “gold would be more than $9,300 per ounce” and “silver would be more than $625 per ounce.” Zang says, given all the unpayable debt in the world, those are conservative estimates.
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