Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville — Did Nothing as War Broke Out
- Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville — Did Nothing as War Broke Out
by Matt Agorist,
The ACLU confirmed late Saturday that police were given stand-down orders in Charlottesville. This invited violence and only fueled the chaos.
Charlottesville, VA — The events that unfolded in Charlottesville, Virginia this Saturday were tragic, hateful, insidious and even deadly. Saturday will go down in history as the day America’s hate reared its ugly face and proved to the world that this country is being divided — to be conquered. Adding fuel to the fire of hatred and violence were politicians who told police not to intervene and allowed the unchecked carnage to unfold before their eyes.
The stand down was confirmed by the ACLU who quoted a police source saying, “We’ll not intervene until given command to do so.”
This command never came.
There is no shortage of violent footage of clashes between neo-nazi white supremacists and counter protesters from Antifa and the like. Multiple violent battles raged on for several minutes as blood spilled onto the streets of this college town. Only several feet away were police officers — who did nothing to stop it. As ProPublica reports:
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