The European Union Announced is It “Very Close” to Activating a ‘Nuclear Option’ to Punish Poland
by Dan Lyman |
Imperial superstate interfering in sovereign nation’s internal affairs
The European Union announced is it “very close” to activating a ‘nuclear option’ to punish Poland by suspending its EU voting rights and possibly levying sanctions if the Poles follow through on legislation to amend elements of its judicial system.
The Polish government, led by the conservative-leaning Law and Justice Party (PiS), is advancing reforms aimed at dismantling a “privileged caste” of left-wing activist lawyers and judges, obligating ‘Christian values’ to be considered in Supreme Court rulings, and shaking up the entire judiciary by dismissing many sitting judges while also re-structuring how they are appointed.
“The party argues that the changes are necessary to destroy the vestiges of communist power inherent in the justice system,” reports Deutsche Welle. “PiS party founder Jaroslaw Kaczynski – himself a trained lawyer – believes that Poland’s court system is still a ‘stronghold of post-communists.’”
In response, the EU is threatening repercussions for what it deems a “systematic threat to the rule of law in Poland” and possible ‘breach of fundamental human rights’ should Warsaw pass the reforms in full.
“We will swiftly prepare infringement procedures for breach of EU law, also to be launched next week,” European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans declared. “The option of triggering Article 7 of the Treaty was part of the discussion and it should come as no surprise to anyone that, given the latest developments, we are coming very close to triggering Article 7.”
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