Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Apr 9, 2017 McMaster has been manipulating intelligence reports going to Trump, doing this at the behest of Petraeus, McMaster was part of Petraeus’ inner circle. end
[youtube=] Published on Apr 9, 2017 Sunday, April 9: Trump Being Tricked into Syrian Invasion – US President Donald Trump launches an airstrike in retaliation over Syria’s alleged chemical weapons use, but was the president tricked by a false flag provocation into fulfilling the globalist agenda of a Syrian invasion? The world watches Trump’s next …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 9, 2017 Thousands of troops, Marines, Artillery, Special Forces, already in Syria. end
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[youtube=] WWIII Arrives & IMF Seizes Opportunity To Eliminate Cash & Financially Enslave Us All by Lisa Haven, What you are about to see in the video above is the latest working paper from the IMF on how to enslave nations, steal our sovereignty, and force a cashless society across the globe. – While all eyes …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 9, 2017 In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people. end
[youtube=] Published on Apr 6, 2017 Israel has approved a law that will speed up the demolition of Palestinian homes in occupied territories. Under the law, those who postpone demolition orders will receive fines and jail terms. The approval of the law is seen as part of Israel’s policy of discrimination and racism against Palestinians. …
Russia to Send the World’s Largest Submarine to the Baltic: Monster Sub Armed with 20 Nuclear Missiles to Sail into NATOs ‘Swimming Pool’ as Putin Flexes His Muscles by GARETH DAVIES FOR MAILONLINE, * Massive Typhoon-class sub Dmitry Donskoy is to leave the White Sea and travel around Norway and Denmark * Measuring an enormous 574-foot …
[youtube=] Clif High: FedRes Will Crash & FedRes Is the Market. First Ever Global Government Crash Coming by Greg Hunter’s “Early Sunday Release” Internet data mining expert Clif High uses what he calls “predictive linguistics” to spot trends and make predictions for future events. In his latest in-depth report, High sees a “huge” calamity coming for …
[youtube=] Ex-UK Ambassador To Syria Questions Chemical Attack; “It Doesn’t Make Sense, Assad Is Not Mad” by Tyler Durden, The former UK ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, has joined the chorus of folks implying that the chemical attack in Syria wreaks of a ‘false flag’ operation. Speaking on BBC Radio earlier, Ford said there …
WW III Is Here: Syria’s Reichstag Moment — The Neocons Have Won by Dave Hodges, Things are unfolding faster than they can be covered. With the US taking offensive action in Syria, the world has moved very close to war. …. Syria’s Reichstag Moment All historians are familiar with how Hitler was able to …
Michael Savage Turns on Trump, Says Syrian Gas Attack Was False Flag Operation by The Real Fly, Conservative talk show host, Michael Savage, who fervently supported Trump during the Presidential campaign, soured on him today. Savage, referencing his background in science, having a PhD in epidemiology, said the alleged gas attack in the ISIS …
Former CIA Officer: “The Intelligence Confirms The Russian Account On Syria” by Robert Parry via, via President Trump earned neocon applause for his hasty decision to attack Syria and kill about a dozen Syrians, but his rash act has all the earmarks of a “wag the dog” moment. – Just two days after news broke of …
[youtube=] Lindsey Graham: 7,000 More Troops Going To “War In Syria” – Ramping Up For Another Regime Change by Rick Wells, It’s better than Christmas for Lindsey Graham and John McCain as they’ve got a real opportunity to get the war they’ve wanted desperately ever since the previous one in Iraq wound down and then …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 7, 2017 ‘US became investigator & judge; this is violation of intl law’ – Bolivia envoy slams US at emergency UNSC meeting on Syria strike. [youtube=] end
The U.S. Entered World War I On April 6, 1917 – Did Trump Just Start World War III On April 6, 2017? by Michael Snyder, Did World War III begin on April 6th, 2017? After Donald Trump fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria on Thursday night, millions of Americans were cheering, but the cheering isn’t …