Jim Willie: Top Ten US Dollar Risks

- Jim Willie: Top Ten US Dollar Risks
by Jim Willie CB, GoldenJackass.com, via http://www.goldseek.com/
The USDollar has never been in greater danger for losing its dominant position as global reserve currency and payment standard. Challenges to its supremacy are many and with each passing month, more threats are put in place. While the volumes of trade payment in Chinese RMB grow slowly, and the banking reserves in non-USD bonds grow slowly, the risk for the USDollar to be marginalized has increased significantly in the last two to three years. Basically speaking, a fiat currency run by a corrupt, thieving, and dishonorable hegemonic regime for the sole purpose of exploiting the rest of the world cannot stand the test of time, and will be dismantled. The community of nations gathers momentum and organization with producing an alternative. It has taken time, and will require more time. The scenario is indeed possible of a dual universe has been raised, whereby the West continues under the USD-based system, and the East emerges under a new RMB-based system. However, the Eastern alternative is step by step to emerge with a gold foundation. The USDollar cannot compete with Gold in any way except through continued fraud, intimidation, extortion, and open war. All these topics at high level and ground level are covered with analysis in the Hat Trick Letter.
The fall of the King Dollar Empire is near, as the Global Paradigm Shift proceeds without potential for interruption or much further delay. The galactic decay decline and demise is assured. It has been a brutal final chapter, marred by universal corruption and endless war. It has earned the Empire of Chaos label, for its many color revolutions which mask the brutal hegemony and theft of assets. The fall of the baseless USDollar occurs simultaneously with the rise of the solid Gold foundation. Below are the Top Ten risks to the USDollar, which will end the year 2017 in a significantly weaker position than it started.
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