Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] REPORT: 12 UFOs Shut Down Flights to Airport in Lima, Peru for Hours by Although there are no mainstream reports about it, Disclose.TV and others are reporting that as many as 12 unidentified objects caused flights to be suspended at the Jorge Chávez Airport in Lima, Peru in February. – The image above was …
Israel: Where Vision And Reality Violently Diverge by Jonathan Cook, Dustin Pfundheller, 30, an American dentist living in Singapore, was set to become the youngest person to visit every country in the world while in a full-time job. His globetrotting has taken him to 192 of the 193 recognised states, bringing his medical skills to the …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2017 The Chinese Foreign Ministry has warned Japan that Beijing will give a firm response should Tokyo interfere in the South China Sea. Hua Chunying made the remarks after media reports suggested that Japan is planning to dispatch its largest warship to the South China Sea. She also called on …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2017 First, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) claimed that Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky)was “working for Vladimir Putin” because he opposed the expansion of NATO. Then, Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said the US should never trust Russia. Do these and other anti-Russian remarks hurt our prospects for world peace? …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2017 Conservative talk radio show host and author Michael Savage joins Larry King with his prediction for the GOP healthcare bill. Savage also explains why he believes House Speaker Paul Ryan and neoconservatives are the greatest threat to Donald Trump’s presidency, and why, he says, Steve Bannon ‘misled’ the president. …
In the Next Few Hours, the Deep State Will Launch Its Revenge on Trump by Nick Giambruno, Senior Editor, The Deep State is set to prick the largest bubble in human history today… The Deep State is the permanently entrenched “national security” bureaucracy—the top tier of the military, the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. It also includes …
Are Patients Dying from Chemo And Not Cancer Itself? by Vicki Batts, (Natural News) New research has revealed that cancer isn’t the only thing killing cancer patients. Many times, the treatment itself is what turns out to be the cause of death. – For the first time ever, a team of researchers decided to look at …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2017 The leader of India withdrew the most popular bank notes from India, and many industry insiders believe the motive was to stifle Indian gold demand since much of the gold trade in India is conducted in cash. But the plan backfired: Indian gold demand has gone through the roof! …
[youtube=] ‘Of Course, the Deep State Exists’ in America, Gingrich Says by Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the US House of Representatives has accused the “deep state” – a shadowy network of powerful entrenched federal and military interests – of attempting to destabilize the administration of President Donald Trump. – “Of course, the deep state …
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[youtube=] E-Day is FINALLY Here! History is Made as Queen Gives Royal Assent to the Brexit Bill Paving the Way for Theresa May to Trigger Article 50 within Weeks by JAMES TAPSFIELD, POLITICAL EDITOR FOR MAILONLINE, * The Queen has formally given Royal Assent to the European Union Bill * The historic move clears the way …
[youtube=] Streamed live on Mar 15, 2017 Rick Wiles, Jim Willie: Has the Trump Revolution Been Derailed? Has the Trump Revolution been derailed by the perpetual war, sleaze, corruption, and pedophilia party, or has it only hit a bump in the road? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles is joined by economic analyst Jim Willie to …
[youtube=] Video: On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump: “There Is A Secret Agenda To Allow A Crisis… And Get Rid Of The President” by Mac Slavo, On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 the U.S. government once again hit its debt ceiling. In short, this means that until Congress raises the ceiling, …
Donald Trump’s Treasury Dept is filled with Goldman Sucks swamp monsters, starting with Mnuchin. The Government Sucks Illuminist bank still has total control over the finances of America. It does not mean that Trump doesn’t want to MAGA. It simply means, even with his best intentions, the Illuminati still have their Goldman Sucks octopus round …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 14, 2017 Ron Johnson from joins me to discuss the Satanic Illuminati NWO death cult that is targeting humanity for annihilation. end