DOJ Requests More Time To Respond To House Intel – Judge Andrew Napolitano – First 100 Days
- Napolitano – Obama Had British Intelligence Spy On Trump To Avoid Leaving Evidence
by Martha MacCallum reports that the House Intelligence committee has been in contact with the Justice Department regarding the production of documents related to the assertion by President Trump that the Obama regime had been wiretapping him during the campaign.
Catherine Herridge confirms that the DOJ has requested more time in order “to review the request and determine if documents exist.” She says that the March 4th tweet about wiretapping was not meant literally, according to Press Secretary Spicer, that wiretapping as the President intended it is a general term for electronic surveillance.”
certainly have that on March 20th.” She plays a comment from Rep Adam “Shifty” Schiff, prefacing it with a claim that FBI Director Comey may be eager to testify. Shifty said, “If the press reports are accurate that he asked the Department of Justice to knock this down and they refused [for] whatever reason he may welcome the opportunity but he’ll
She also quotes a letter from a spokesman for Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) that states in part, “If the committee does not receive a response by then, the committee will ask for this information during the March 20 hearing and may resort to a compulsory process if our questions continue to go unanswered.” She says they were told that specifically issuing a subpoena for any records.
Judge Napolitano is asked for his take on the report, and replies, “I don’t know that the Justice Department has what the Intelligence Committee of the House is looking for, because sources have told Fox that if then-Mr. Donald Trump, the President-elect was surveilled as he says he was, both during the campaign ‘Mr’ and after he was elected ‘President-elect,’ it was done by a foreign intelligence entity from a foreign country, an ally of ours, the British Foreign Intelligence Service know as GCHQ.”
bypass the NSA, the CIA, The DNI and the DOJ, the entities in the United States that would have jurisdiction over it.” MacCallum clarifies, “So you’re suggesting that ‘president’ Obama went beyond our own intelligence agencies, and through British surveillance received transcripts of phone conversations that the Trump campaign was having?” Napolitano says, “That entity was able to then to
Napolitano repeats, “This is what sources within the intelligence community have told Fox.” He goes on to point out that all of the content of every phone conversation is collected by the NSA and that the British spy agency has shared access to those files. He says, “So they could have obtained this information, sources tell us, translated the raw data into actual transcripts and shared it with someone in the west wing. It probably wouldn’t have been with the ‘president’ personally because he wouldn’t want anyone to be able to say ‘I met with a British spy in the White House but it would have gone through someone in the White House.”
Napolitano notes that the source is telling Fox that Obama didn’t order the copy of the transcript directly from NSA because that would have left a paper trail. Instead it was laundered through foreign intelligence agencies, probably more than one, providing plausible deniability for the US intelligence and DOJ officials.